Tuesday 21 August 2012


A quick post to report that I have successfully arrived and am alive and well. Added two new continents to my travelling life in just one day!

I'm extremely glad I limited the amount of research and preparation I did prior to setting off as everything is taking me by such pleasant surprise. It's different, really different, but in such a fantastic way.

Currently I'm sat in my little villa, which is pretty spacious and has two massive double bedrooms and two bathrooms... note to potential guests! It's situated near the top of one of Kampala's seven hills, which means I can see for miles around from my veranda... sorry, I meant to say sun-drenched veranda. I'm based in a district called Kansanga, which, from what I can tell, seems to be a bit like Chorlton: up and coming, with several nice venues for food and drink and with lots of new things being built and going on.

 Having never left Europe before, every bird and plant is new to me and they are all fascinating; I spent twenty minutes last night watching huge hawk-type birds circling my villa and having a bit of a scrap. The people seems to be extremely friendly and I had made three or four friends on the plane from Dubai. After explaining I'm here for a while, people seemed really interested and were keen to tell me everything I need to know... which is quite a lot apparently. So far my impression of Uganda people is that they just love laughing! I'm not always sure why they are laughing, but I've been smiling, nodding and laughing along with them all. I've already been invited to a wedding, to go and stay with a chap in Jinja (as apparently I won't be able to be myself in Kampala...?...) and been got one girl's phone number. Incredibly beautiful women... must control myself... must think carefully...

Anyway, I'm off on an ill-advised wander now with my illegible map to try and find Lake Victoria. It's fairly large so should be hard to miss, but this map isn't really worthy of the name. Sun-burn, robbery, being lost are all anticipated. Ah well, all part of the experience.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds fantastic Si! The villa sounds like it can host us all next summer. I volunteer to sleep on the sun-drenched veranda, depending on the size of the birds though.
